White yellow Eucalyptus flower: snow?

25th of June 2011
Halls Gap in the Grampions
Today I got up late, half past eight, because it was foggy and quiet dark. Had a quick breakfast and off I was on the search for the trail start, which walked me into the main places and then back again, because I missed it first place.
Up it went gently and a well build path. To the waterfall and up the track to the rim.
High up I was caught up be an Irish guy and his wife. so we strolled along and chatted our way away.

24th of June 2011
Second try to pick up my new rented car: again not enough credit because now they want me to pay the invoice as well: What do we do, I get annoyed and frustrated. The solution: ATM, money-machine, I got it all in cash incredible!
So finally I am heading out of Melbourne city to the Grampains. Found a very nice place to stay at: Tims Place! Good food all together: 6 at one table, chatting, eating, wonderful!
The drive myself was a little boring and tiring. But so further I got, the nice the landscape looked.
Tomorrow, hiking, and mountain walking.

Me in McDonald's free WiFi but nobody there

Thursday, 23rd of June 2011
Today I wanted to pick up my car, but the credit card limit was insufficient. I tried to call the bank, but nobody on the phone in Germany at night, so one more day in Melbourne.
New backpacker: The Greenhouse, it's ok, but again shared rooms, shared showers, shared urinals, shared kitchens: not clean, always smelly, naja.
I had some rolls from a nice looking bakery, but it is always the same wheat and kind of soft white dough.
And finished reading the book I have bought in Adelaide "Dog Boy": quite interesting, something different.
I checked in the hostel, it's ok, 6 in the room, very warm, no window; had a nice chat with Reza, who is a php programmer him self, from New Zealand, looking for a job in Australia.
Got some lunch from him offered, very nice, thank you.
Now I am sitting in the library, free WiFi, quiet and good to sit and sort your mind.
What do I have to do?
Tonight I join in the party tour from the hostel: lets get inspired.

YHA Adelaide 4 bed room

Wednesday 22dn 06. 2011
Stuck in Adelaide trying to fly out to Melbourne.
The ash cloud, from a volcano in Chile, has caused havoc with air travel from airports in Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, Adelaide and Tasmania.
Air-services Australia warned the ash cloud would cause disruptions in Melbourne until Friday.
I am sitting in the airport since 06:00 am, flight delayed, which is good, boarding hopefully 09:30 am and out to Melbourne.
Would be great!
Well I finally made it, I am in the city of Melbourne in a nice café with free web-access, had a good burger with chips and a coke. Everything is fine, besides the laundry, no place there really.
I stay in the Elephant Backpacker because I had a recommendation, but it is no good. With some luck only for this night, tomorrow I will be gone ... picking up the car and off we go.
I probably need a map and maybe some sort of car-charger as well.
I will see tomorrow. I am tired, up since 05:00.

Schefflera actinophylla Umbrella Tree

Tuesday, 21st of June 2011
In the Botanical Garden in Adelaide
I had a free guided tour through the Botanical Garden for over 2 hours, which was marvellous. I really enjoyed it greatly. She was enthusiastic and thrilled. I picked a coffee later for a break and she joined me for a chat, nice. The sun came out eventually, at last sometimes and I could make some good shot, not many, but some.
The evening here in the lounge and kitchen area of the YHA is really nice with some company of other German kids hanging around waiting or looking for new jobs.
Today's lunch: noodles, ham, tomato sauce and salt, some tea ..

Shopping mall central markets Adelaide

Monday, June 20th 2011
Adelaide South Australia
I missed my train yesterday due to wrong time understanding. Now am stuck in Adelaide with no refund.
I was really pissed off this morning. Lost some money: I hate that, who would not.
So I changed plans completely.
Got a car hired for two month now for a fairly reasonable rate. It is quite a huge station wagon I can sleep in with free camping equipment.
I need to get a mattress, and some blanket maybe.
So I do not always have to look for hostels. Which can be kind of fun as well.
Anyway I booked my flight back to Melbourne for 22nd of June. Plenty of time here and in Melbourne. I am not really interested in cities I must admit.
I should go out now and use the little daylight we have here for some exploration. I just do not feel like.
Where to go to from Melbourne?
I got a car now, because everything is by car here, I do not like this, but that's the way it is.

Umperthon sink-hole in Mount Gambier

Sunday 19th of June 2011
Mount Gambier
I visited the Umperthon sink-hole by push bike I could hire in the public library for free. But it had a flat tire right there, so I walked all the way back and decided to read magazines until it was time to move.
Sitting in the library I had a tea and some reading in a magazine about stray bail houses and energy efficient reconstruction of old small houses.
Raining like hell outside at the moment.
The bus comes 14:45 I got to move soon.

Sonntag, 19.06.2011
Mount Gambier - Adelaide
Jetzt bin ich etwas frustriert und aus dem Konzept, da ich den Zug heute verpasst habe, ich hatte 12:30 pm als Mitternacht interpretiert, aber es soll wohl Mittags gewesen sein.
Jedenfalls sitze ich jetzt hier in Adelaide mindestens 3 Tage fest, da der nächste Zug erst dann wieder fährt und die Frage ist auch noch, ob ich überhaupt umbuchen kann.
Keine Ahnung was ich jetzt die nächsten Tage mache ...

Mount Schank

Samstag 18. Juni 2011
Nelson - Port MacDonnell
Heute war ich mit dem Auto unterwegs. Zuerst nach Princess Margret Rose Cave und dann nach Nelson mit dem Boot fahren, was unerwarteter weise in einer Art von Männerparty endete, da der Kapitän nicht fahren konnte, da wir weniger als 10 waren, er mich aber begeistert zu bequatschen konnte, hat er mich eingeladen mit seinem Sohn zusammen in einem liebevolle renovierten Fischerkahn ein wenig den Fluss hoch zufahren.
Zwischen durch waren immer wieder kurze Regenschauer.
Am Strand habe ich dann noch richtig gut Surfer gesehen und mich nett mit dem 56jährgen stolzen Vater, der Lehrer ist, unterhalten. Er war sichtlich begeistert und selber noch aktiver Surfer.
In Port MacDonnell Schauer und leere Straßen.
Aber dann Mount Schank, tja, den Krater muss man selber gesehen haben, die Bilder geben das nicht her. Zum Sonnenuntergang hin der Krater oben auf der Kante zu umrunden hat Spaß gemacht.
Jetzt bin ich wieder im "Old Goal" und habe den Krach draußen, vom dem großartigen HipHop Konzert; die Kids toben draußen, jedem das seine ...

Category description

Australien hat etwa 25,8 Millionen Einwohner und ist dünn besiedelt. Mit einer Fläche von mehr als 7,6 Millionen km² nimmt es unter den Staaten der Erde den sechsten Platz ein. Die Hauptstadt ist Canberra, die größte Stadt ist die Metropole Sydney. Weitere Ballungsräume sind Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide und Gold Coast.