White yellow Eucalyptus flower: snow?

25th of June 2011
Halls Gap in the Grampions
Today I got up late, half past eight, because it was foggy and quiet dark. Had a quick breakfast and off I was on the search for the trail start, which walked me into the main places and then back again, because I missed it first place.
Up it went gently and a well build path. To the waterfall and up the track to the rim.
High up I was caught up be an Irish guy and his wife. so we strolled along and chatted our way away.

Category description

Halls Gap is a town in Victoria, Australia. It is located on Grampians Road, adjacent to the Grampians National Park, in the Shire of Northern Grampians local government area. The town is set in the Fyans Valley at the foot of the of Wonderland and Mount William ranges . At the 2006 census Halls Gap had a population of 281. The approximate driving time from Melbourne is 3 hours.
The first settler was Charles Browning Hall who set out in search of a suitable grazing run when he found the cattle market at Port Phillip overstocked in 1841. Establishing a station just east of the Grampians in a spot known as ‚Mokepilli‘ to the indigenous inhabitants (probably the Tjapwurong tribe).
By following aboriginal tracks he came upon the gap which now bears his name.
Hall’s Gap Post Office opened on 3 February 1893, closed in 1896, and reopened in 1902.
Its chief industry is tourism, due to its location in the Grampians National Park. Australia’s longest running Aboriginal cultural centre,…