Driving from Toowoomba to Injune over Chinchilla and Roma

Friday 29th July 2011
Driving from Toowoomba to Injune over Chinchilla and Roma
I left early and made it to Rome in 4.5 hours with almost no stops, only quick ones for the loo. I obtained some essential information about how far to drive and where to stay on my way to Carnarvon National Park.
I had a burger meal and checked emails, nothing new.
Made the calls to Injune Hotel and a reservation, they said they are full because there are numerous gas fields and drilling crews. I got one room, so. It's funny here. The lounge is full, which I enjoy, people are eating, listening to ancient music clips, playing pool, chatting.
Currently, it's "Jacks shit" lotto. This is a tiny village, but the hotel is full.
It is difficult to describe an Australian “Hotel”. It's a hotel, got some rooms to let, a bar, a restaurant, a pub, a place to gamble. Important! Every function got a different room.
To get a drink, you have to go to the bar.
To get some food, you must go to the restaurant, food outlet, where every that is.
To go to the loo, one other room again (good, so :-).