Driving through the mountians in rain

13th of July 2011
Live long and healthy, here are some basic rules which may help:

Your body use it !!

  • do some sports
  • do walk
  • do dance
  • do work
  • what ever, just do it.

Comment: (Stop sitting around all the time. Stop doing everything by car.)

listen to your body:
When you are hungry, eat.
When you are thirsty: drink.
When you feel sleepy, go to bed.
When you need a toilet, go to the rest room.
When you what to dance, dance.

Your brain !! USE IT !!

Mind your thoughts
Watch what you are thinking

Comment: any problems? make a therapy, no kidding, it can help!

Basic rules
are made to stick to them, which means, break em from time to time.

good sleep
good food
good friends

What is "good sleep" ?
Good sleep is enough sleep.
It is wise to sleep at night, when it is dark.
Have a short - 15 to 30 Min - nap when ever you can, especially in the afternoon.
Sleep with somebody else 🙂 when ever you can.
If you can not sleep: watch your mind ( see below: "mind")

What is "good food" ?
Good food means never eat too much.
Good food is fresh food.
Eat vegetables, try organic if you can afford it, eat saisional crops.
Eat at least once a day something raw like salad or fruits.
Eat breakfast and lunch and dinner and have more food intakes daily and always eat a little bit.
Eat until you are full.
When your are eating do nothing else, watch and enjoy yourself eating.

other people
do not mind other people
try to live as a couple
listen to other people
make contact and stay in contact
meet people
share your meals

every morning: some gymnastics
every day: at least some walking, 30 Minutes are enough ( every day!)
every week: dancing or swimming or acting or (at least one of these 🙂
every month: something new! A new movie, a new friend, a new place, a new idea, a new start, what ever, just tray something new.

If it helps, do more, like prayer or anything which helps you.
writing a dairy
phoning with other people.

try to be simple
try to be honest ( At least to yourself)

Sunday 10th of July
Dubbo - Macquarie River walk - Malaysian dinner
It took us a while to get out of bed on a Sunday, relaxed breakfast, doing the laundry, she called her friend, we waited a little bit, made it to her place, picked her up and down to the Macquarie River. We did a short walk along the river banks which in fact was quite scenic. The Malaysian lady told us facts and stories most of the time: funny. After lunch time we went to the station to fetch the other couch-surfer, who arrived by bus. All joined together we walked through the park to the Dubbo Regional Gallery - WESTERN PLAINS CULTURAL CENTRE.

"ARTEXPRESS is an annual exhibition of exemplary artworks created by students for the Higher School Certificate. The works represent a broad range for subject matter, approaches, styles and media and reflect the high quality of Bisual Arts education in New South Wales."

Thereafter we went shopping for Malaysian food. She cooked a very well tasting meal, Malaysian style. I had to do the dishes 🙂
Nice chatting and telling each other personal experiences, travel places and funny stories.

Broken Hill Road

01st of June 2011 Friday
Broken Hill
I was up late took my time, drove into town, left the car outside of a shop. Walked to the Arboretum and made photographs. Just photographing all day.
I had lunch in the fancy café on top of the huge slag heap in the middle of town. Nice views over the city and the surrounding hills.
Had I nap, being real tired, do not why, anyway had a rest, heading back to the place I stay at. Got into talking with Keith about the iron wood and the fire wood. Laura called, I picked her up and we drove out of town to the sculpture park for the sunset. Some people out there. Me camera's battery pack empty: no shots! Back in town, a short rest then out for a gallery event from the charity event.

Me in McDonald's free WiFi but nobody there

Thursday, 23rd of June 2011
Today I wanted to pick up my car, but the credit card limit was insufficient. I tried to call the bank, but nobody on the phone in Germany at night, so one more day in Melbourne.
New backpacker: The Greenhouse, it's ok, but again shared rooms, shared showers, shared urinals, shared kitchens: not clean, always smelly, naja.
I had some rolls from a nice looking bakery, but it is always the same wheat and kind of soft white dough.
And finished reading the book I have bought in Adelaide "Dog Boy": quite interesting, something different.
I checked in the hostel, it's ok, 6 in the room, very warm, no window; had a nice chat with Reza, who is a php programmer him self, from New Zealand, looking for a job in Australia.
Got some lunch from him offered, very nice, thank you.
Now I am sitting in the library, free WiFi, quiet and good to sit and sort your mind.
What do I have to do?
Tonight I join in the party tour from the hostel: lets get inspired.

Schefflera actinophylla Umbrella Tree

Tuesday, 21st of June 2011
In the Botanical Garden in Adelaide
I had a free guided tour through the Botanical Garden for over 2 hours, which was marvellous. I really enjoyed it greatly. She was enthusiastic and thrilled. I picked a coffee later for a break and she joined me for a chat, nice. The sun came out eventually, at last sometimes and I could make some good shot, not many, but some.
The evening here in the lounge and kitchen area of the YHA is really nice with some company of other German kids hanging around waiting or looking for new jobs.
Today's lunch: noodles, ham, tomato sauce and salt, some tea ..

Category description

Luncheon, commonly abbreviated to lunch, is a mid-day meal.
In English-speaking countries during the eighteenth century, lunch was originally called „dinner“— a word still used regularly to mean a noontime meal in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and some parts of England, and also in some parts of Canada and the United States. Typically, businesses will use the standard word „Lunch“ when referring to the noon meal to avoid confusion due to the cultural domination of Standard English.
The mid-day meal on Sunday and the festival meals on Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving (in the U.S. and Canada) is still often eaten at the old hours, usually either at noon or between two and four in the afternoon, and called dinner. Traditional farming communities also may still commonly have the largest meal of the day at mid-day and refer to this meal as „dinner.“
The abbreviation lunch, in use from 1823, is taken from the more formal „lunchentach,“ which the OED reports from 1580, as a word for a meal…