Thumb Sydney city skyline

Sunday, 17th of July 2011
Sydney City
I did not like the city of Sydney too much. The weather was mixed this day with clouds and rain and windy. It took me over an hour and a half to reach the city centre by train and car and I had to travel back the same way in the evening.
There is no point in trying to go there by car, parking is way too expensive up to 50 a day.
I used, as recommended by some people, the Sydney harbour ferry boat, only 5 $ to cross the whole harbour the Harbour Bridge and to reach the opera house. I walked through the Botanical Garden up to the old wharf area.
On my way back "home" to Cathai I had a burger at Hungry Jack.
I our shag we, Rowen and his father Manfred, had a nice fire in the chimney. Which meant a little warmth, like in a sauna, for the day which was cold an chilly all day.

Ich fand heute die City von Sydney nicht so aufregend. Das Wetter war durchwachsen, mit etwas Regen am Nachmittag. Ich brauche ungefähr 1.5 Std. in die Stadt mit Auto zur Bahn und mit der Bahn in die City und dann auch wieder den gleichen Weg zurück.
Mit dem Auto völlig sinnlos, Parken in der City: 50,- $ pro Tag.
Ich bin, wie empfohlen mit der Sydney Ferry, für 5,- $ (das ist günstig!) einmal durch den ganzen Hafen bis zur Oper und dann durch den Botanischen Garten mit einem Essenstop, bis zur Wharf und durch die City wieder zurück.
Auf dem Heimweg noch zu : "Hungry Jack" so heißt hier der Burger King. McDoof hat dafür gratis WiFi (Internet).
Heute gibt es Kaminfeuer in der Shag, der alten Holzhütte, in der ich kampiere, bei Rowan und seinem Vater Manfred, der 1960 von Köln emigriert ist. So ist es zur Abwechslung einmal nicht zu kalt und fröstelnd, sondern eher wie in der Sauna.

Saturday, 16th of July 2011
Sydney German Choir meeting
Concordia Choir and guest choirs singing together and every choir with a selected choice of German folk songs. I did the videos.
Rowan Classen was dancing and singing with the Concordia Choir:
German folk dance: German Bavarian Schuhplattler Knee dance,Slap Dance
The Austrian Landler

Friday 15th of July
Blackheath Mount Tomah - Windsor - Cathai
I left not to early, saying goodbye was not easy for me, but travelling is saying good day and good bye. Taking the back road to Mt. Victoria, Bell and then the Botanical Garden on Mt. Tomah. I had one nice guided tour and a light lunch in the restaurant with a great view over the valley.
No pictures, because no sunlight.
I made my way to Windsor, found some food shopping there and then I drove out to the piece of land where Rowan lives with his parents in a community.
It's a 120 year old shag with rough hacked iron bark timber. Open Fireplace, ancient too.
Some alpacas, ducks, 5 dogs ...

This is simple, it's just me

Thursday, 14th of July 2011
Blackheath - Wentworth Falls - walking
Today I take it easy, walking slowly because I am a little sour from my previous hikes up and down the sandstone cliffs here in the Blue Mountains.
So I made my way to Wentworth Falls by car on a busy street. I missed the exit three times, but finally I found the right one.
On my way down the cliffs I met a young German student, Swen and we where chatting all along the gorgeous National Pass trail until I descended to the Wentworth pass which was filled with really steep steel ladders and stairs. So I spend my lunch at Wentworth Falls base and made some great shots, even so there is not much sun down this southern walls. Back to the way up, I decided to do the National Pass again, this time looking and no "bla bla bla" and walking back the Under Cliff Pass. Great decision!
Nice recommendation of some people, to be here.
Back to Conversation Hut, I had a nice tea and one cake.
The evening I spend on the computer, picture downloading and checking, emailing, couch-surfing request ...
And I do not forget to mention my hosting family, which made a good tasting dinner and some conversation as well, not going into details, which are private.

Mount Solitare panorama view

Wednesday 13th of July 2011
Blackheath - hiking from Katoomba to Ruined Castle
I drove to Katoomba and left my car in the parking house at the Scenic World and walked down the cliff to the base of the Scenic railway.
I followed the pass to the Golden stairs and continued to the Ruined Castle. Nice lookout there. My way back was supported by a nice Australian I met on the stairs back to the dirt-road. Thanks.

Driving through the mountians in rain

13th of July 2011
Live long and healthy, here are some basic rules which may help:

Your body use it !!

  • do some sports
  • do walk
  • do dance
  • do work
  • what ever, just do it.

Comment: (Stop sitting around all the time. Stop doing everything by car.)

listen to your body:
When you are hungry, eat.
When you are thirsty: drink.
When you feel sleepy, go to bed.
When you need a toilet, go to the rest room.
When you what to dance, dance.

Your brain !! USE IT !!

Mind your thoughts
Watch what you are thinking

Comment: any problems? make a therapy, no kidding, it can help!

Basic rules
are made to stick to them, which means, break em from time to time.

good sleep
good food
good friends

What is "good sleep" ?
Good sleep is enough sleep.
It is wise to sleep at night, when it is dark.
Have a short - 15 to 30 Min - nap when ever you can, especially in the afternoon.
Sleep with somebody else 🙂 when ever you can.
If you can not sleep: watch your mind ( see below: "mind")

What is "good food" ?
Good food means never eat too much.
Good food is fresh food.
Eat vegetables, try organic if you can afford it, eat saisional crops.
Eat at least once a day something raw like salad or fruits.
Eat breakfast and lunch and dinner and have more food intakes daily and always eat a little bit.
Eat until you are full.
When your are eating do nothing else, watch and enjoy yourself eating.

other people
do not mind other people
try to live as a couple
listen to other people
make contact and stay in contact
meet people
share your meals

every morning: some gymnastics
every day: at least some walking, 30 Minutes are enough ( every day!)
every week: dancing or swimming or acting or (at least one of these 🙂
every month: something new! A new movie, a new friend, a new place, a new idea, a new start, what ever, just tray something new.

If it helps, do more, like prayer or anything which helps you.
writing a dairy
phoning with other people.

try to be simple
try to be honest ( At least to yourself)

Grose Valley

Tuesday 12th of July 2011
Hiking around Blackheath
Govetts Leap - Evans Lookout - Grand Canyon - Neates Glen - Govetts Leap - Waterfall and up again
I went up to the Govetts Leap parking lot, got myself some info and a topographical map of the area at the visitors information centre.
I started at the cliff top track to Evans Lookout and descended to the Grand Canyon back up to Neates Glen.
I did the Brea Side walk and back up to Govetts Leap again.
Following Rodriguez Pass to the bottom of the Govetts Leap Brook waterfall and back up again the dropping wet vertical cliff walls, awesome!

Category description

Australien hat etwa 25,8 Millionen Einwohner und ist dünn besiedelt. Mit einer Fläche von mehr als 7,6 Millionen km² nimmt es unter den Staaten der Erde den sechsten Platz ein. Die Hauptstadt ist Canberra, die größte Stadt ist die Metropole Sydney. Weitere Ballungsräume sind Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide und Gold Coast.