Driving through the mountians in rain

13th of July 2011
Live long and healthy, here are some basic rules which may help:

Your body use it !!

  • do some sports
  • do walk
  • do dance
  • do work
  • what ever, just do it.

Comment: (Stop sitting around all the time. Stop doing everything by car.)

listen to your body:
When you are hungry, eat.
When you are thirsty: drink.
When you feel sleepy, go to bed.
When you need a toilet, go to the rest room.
When you what to dance, dance.

Your brain !! USE IT !!

Mind your thoughts
Watch what you are thinking

Comment: any problems? make a therapy, no kidding, it can help!

Basic rules
are made to stick to them, which means, break em from time to time.

good sleep
good food
good friends

What is "good sleep" ?
Good sleep is enough sleep.
It is wise to sleep at night, when it is dark.
Have a short - 15 to 30 Min - nap when ever you can, especially in the afternoon.
Sleep with somebody else 🙂 when ever you can.
If you can not sleep: watch your mind ( see below: "mind")

What is "good food" ?
Good food means never eat too much.
Good food is fresh food.
Eat vegetables, try organic if you can afford it, eat saisional crops.
Eat at least once a day something raw like salad or fruits.
Eat breakfast and lunch and dinner and have more food intakes daily and always eat a little bit.
Eat until you are full.
When your are eating do nothing else, watch and enjoy yourself eating.

other people
do not mind other people
try to live as a couple
listen to other people
make contact and stay in contact
meet people
share your meals

every morning: some gymnastics
every day: at least some walking, 30 Minutes are enough ( every day!)
every week: dancing or swimming or acting or (at least one of these 🙂
every month: something new! A new movie, a new friend, a new place, a new idea, a new start, what ever, just tray something new.

If it helps, do more, like prayer or anything which helps you.
writing a dairy
phoning with other people.

try to be simple
try to be honest ( At least to yourself)

Tuesday, 28. June 2011
Red Cliffs - Broken Hill by car driving
Driving is quite boring, especially when everything is flat and no distinct differences can be seen. Just shrubs and sand and weeds and grass and small trees and grass and shrubs and weeds and ...
I made it eventually and did a lot of plant images on every stop I made. I made a lot of stops, at almost every rest area. There is water in the Darlington river which is unusual. All along the Murray river is fruit plantations, grapes and oranges mainly. I picked some fresh oranges myself, just a view.
Halfway I wanted to make me a sandwich and I noticed I had forgotten all the fresh food in the fridge in the last motel. No way back, it hurts a little.
To arrive in a unknown strange place is always, again and again, weird. I will probably never getting used to it.

Category description

Fresh food is salad or vegetables which are directly from a farm or field in a local distribution. Fresh means the food is not old and not travelled far. fresh food is raw and not cooked or prepared in any other way. It may be cleaned by washing with cold water and peeled and sliced, but not otherwise prepared.